At our dental office in Grand Rapids, Michigan, we try to make the entire treatment process as comfortable and easy as possible for our patients. While this typically means offering quality dentistry from our skilled dentist, Dr. Joseph Szymczak and our excellent team, it also means finding ways to save you time. In order to be more efficient and reduce your wait time when you come to MI Roots Family Dental, we encourage you to fill out our patient forms before your visit. This will allow us to spend more time tending to your smile rather than tending to your paperwork. If you need assistance with your paperwork, we invite you to call our office at 616-453-0002 today. We would love to hear from you.


Patient Forms

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 6

Patient Information

Contact Information:

Please fill out all information to the best of your knowledge. All patient information will be kept confidential. If you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you.

MM slash DD slash YYYY


MM slash DD slash YYYY

Marital Status:*

Emergency Contact:

This should be the nearest relative who does not live with the patient, or a parent/guardian if the patient is a minor.

Person Responsible for Account:

**If the patient is responsible for their own account, please skip this section.

MM slash DD slash YYYY