Would you like to prevent tooth discoloration? If so, our dentist, Dr. Osenieks, has just the tips you need. Tooth discoloration can be avoided if you’re careful with your choices each day. It can even help just knowing what causes the tooth stains. So, he is happy to give you the tips you need to maintain the white smile you... read more »
Whitening toothpaste is a great tool that can help you brighten the color of your teeth. However, oftentimes the paste only whitens the smile one to two shades. This might not be the result you’re looking for. However, there are things you can do to get the most out of your whitening toothpaste, and our dentist, Dr. Joseph Szymczak, is... read more »
Mouthguards in Grand Rapids, Michigan, are strong, reliable appliances that cover your teeth and protect your smile. It’s best to wear a mouthguard while you participate in contact sports and activities. This is important because the guard will prevent tooth injury when hard, forceful objects hit your smile. There are many different types of mouthguards you can choose from, and... read more »
Teeth grinding is a dangerous habit that is also known as bruxism. Many people suffer from this habit and they don’t even know it. So how do you know if you grind your teeth? Well, if you ever wake up with a dull headache or sore jaw, chances are that you participate in the habit. If this is the case,... read more »