Have you ever had a strange sound in your ears, such as a ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, or whistling? If you have, you’re far from alone, though the severity of the sound can vary. This sound may actually be the result of a condition commonly referred to as tinnitus. Many people notice the noise throughout the day, but especially when... read more »
Mouthguards in Grand Rapids, Michigan, are strong, reliable appliances that cover your teeth and protect your smile. It’s best to wear a mouthguard while you participate in contact sports and activities. This is important because the guard will prevent tooth injury when hard, forceful objects hit your smile. There are many different types of mouthguards you can choose from, and... read more »
Are you frequently waking up to a sore jaw or to headaches? Do you suffer with sensitive teeth and earaches throughout the day? Sadly, these could all be symptoms of bruxism, which is also commonly known as teeth grinding. This can be a serious problem that should be addressed by a professional as quickly as possible. There can be many... read more »
If you are looking for a perfect oral hygiene product at the store, our MI Roots Family Dental team has a helpful tip for you! If you choose a product, whether it’s a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc., that has the American Dental Association’s seal of acceptance on it, you have chosen the best product for your smile. The Seal of... read more »
If you’ve ever felt like your tongue is on fire, you could be dealing with burning mouth syndrome. You may have to deal with discomfort in the morning, all day, or sporadic pain. Burning mouth syndrome—also known as burning tongue syndrome—can cause a burning sensation in your gums, lips, throat, or mouth. Many patients also experience dry mouth, increased thirst,... read more »
Teeth grinding is a dangerous habit that is also known as bruxism. Many people suffer from this habit and they don’t even know it. So how do you know if you grind your teeth? Well, if you ever wake up with a dull headache or sore jaw, chances are that you participate in the habit. If this is the case,... read more »
If you are one who has a stubborn, unattractive, or damaged tooth that takes away from the beauty of your smile, we have a perfect solution for you that will help you achieve the oral health and smile of your dreams: Dental crowns! A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that covers the entire visible surface of your tooth and... read more »
While you should visit your dentist every six months for a routine cleaning, you should also care for your smile at home. You probably know that this means brushing and flossing every day. But do you ever wonder what else you can do to make your at-home oral hygiene as efficient as possible? If you do, you may want to... read more »
Instead of suffering from your sensitive teeth, why not finally treat the problem and go back to living a normal, everyday life? Tooth sensitivity is a painful, inconvenient, and bothersome condition that is very common nowadays. It generally occurs when the gums pull back from your teeth, expose your roots, and allow easy access to the tooth nerves. Other things... read more »
If you care for your teeth properly they can last a lifetime. This includes brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist every six months for our routine cleaning. But, even if you do all of these things, there may still be more you can do. Your teeth can often be affected by typical wear and tear—but we’re happy to give you... read more »