Oral Hygiene Topic: Dental Veneers

Oral Hygiene Topic: Dental Veneers

Too much of a good thing can sometimes be risky, except in the case of smiles. They are the gift that just keeps on giving and the brighter and shinier they are, the more warmly received they can be. There’s no such thing as having too perfect of a smile, so consider upgrading yours today. With tooth restorations such as... read more »

Do You Experience Any of the Following Symptoms of Bruxism?

Did you know that you could be damaging your teeth while you sleep? This condition, referred to as bruxism, is the result of grinding and gnashing your teeth as you sleep, which over time can seriously damage your teeth and gums. The difficulty with bruxism is that it is often hard to know you suffer from it because it takes... read more »

See Your Dentist If You Experience These Signs

Oral health begins at home, daily attention to brushing, flossing, using a mouthwash to reduce bacteria, and of course, keeping up with dental cleanings. But, what happens if you experience dental problems in between visits. What are some signs that you may need to see your dentist? Headaches Morning headaches are often caused by nighttime teeth grinding. Also known as... read more »

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are comprised of a thin, plastic material that is painted onto the chewing surfaces of the molars (back teeth). Sealants provide a protective coating that helps to preserve tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. The Problem The molars have deep depressions that are uneven and bumpy, making them difficult to clean well — especially for children. These pits... read more »