The Many Forms and Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

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The primary purpose of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the aesthetics of your smile. However, there are many other uses for it that can also improve the welfare of your oral health. Cosmetic dentistry can be used to help restore teeth that are cracked, fractured, chipped or broken. If you have lost any teeth due to injury or decay, a cosmetic dental treatment can be used to replace your missing teeth. There are customization options also available that allow your dentist, Dr. Joseph Szymczak to adjust your teeth for shape, size, feel and color.

Let’s now take a look at treatment options:

Dental crowns: Caps are placed on the top of damaged teeth in order to stop any damage that could be occurring and also prevent any future damages. This can also be considered restorative or general dentistry
Veneers: These are strong shells that are shaped and cut to the needs of your tooth, and then directly fused onto its front to hide imperfections and restore your smile.
Dental Implants: This type of implant is used to replace missing teeth by permanently installing false teeth into the jawbone.
Teeth Whitening Treatments: This cosmetic treatment is used to whiten your teeth and also enhancing your smile.

If you could benefit from any of the above cosmetic dental treatments in Grand Rapids, Michigan, please call the friendly staff of MI Roots Family Dental today at 616-453-0002 to schedule an appointment. Dr. Joseph Szymczak looks forward to helping restore your smile!